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Technical Support

ACO NZ offers its customers technical advice to support the use of its products. ACO will supply supporting documentation in both electronic and paper format. This support is specific to product types.

In addition to the above, ACO NZ offers continuing education seminars and "Lunch & Learn" or "Lunchbox" seminars to assist in correct choice and specification of its products.

Please see our Training page for more information.

4. Building Drainage

  • BIM Files - Some ACO commercial products are available with BIM models.
  • Drainage Sizing - ACO can assist with internal drainage sizes to ensure correct sizing of product to capture inflows and evacuation from machinery discharge.
  • Grease Separation - ACO will aid in correct choice of sizing dependent on customer use (kitchen size, meals served, etc.)

Please contact us for Building Drainage technical support.

3. Cable & Junction Pits

  • Material Suitability - Advice on 'soft' and 'rigid' body pits for locations. Also, advice on cover material dependent on client requirement (non-metallic covers for remote reading.)
  • Security - ACO provides cover systems that allow tamper proof access.

For a comprehensive (and handy) cable pit, lid and cover solution poster please visit here.

Questions? Please utilize our Cablemate Technical Support tools.

2. Access Covers

  • Load Certificates - Independent certified testing of covers.
  • Multiparts - Advice on most cost effective multiple covers solution for large voids. Cross support beam engineering and installation details.
  • Security Options - Some access covers require locking of a certain nature. ACO can supply advice on the correct type of locking for any application and client requirements.
  • Unique to New Zealand the ACO ACC Cover has been designed so the rib substructure is located beneath the pan allowing for an unobstructed placement of pavers. For further information please visit here.

You may also access our Access Cover Design Tools.

1. Surface Drainage

  • Trench Hydraulics - Modeling flows in trenches to ensure correct size and factor of safety against flooding.
  • Grate Hydraulics - Modeling the grate water intake performance dependent on the client requirements (bypass or no bypass.)
  • Run Scheduling and Layouts - Utilizes existing ground topography to provide most cost effective solution. Provides bill of materials.
  • Ponding Analysis - A risk analysis of the effect of flooding - determines the extent of any local flooding.
  • Chemical Resistance - Advice on materials and samples of chosen material for client testing.

You may also access our Trench Drain Design Form.

Servicio de asesoramiento técnico

ACO México ofrece a sus clientes asesoramiento técnico para apoyar con el uso de sus productos. ACO proporcionara documentación tanto en formato electrónico como en papel.Este apoyo es específico para los diferentes tipos de productos.

Drenaje superficial

  • Trincheras Hidráulicas – Creamos modelos de flujos en nuestras trincheras para asegurar un tamaño correcto y factor de protección contra las inundaciones.

  • Hidráulica de las Rejillas –Generamos modelos de captación del agua en nuestras rejillas dependiendo de los requisitos del cliente para mejorar su rendimiento (sin o con escurrimiento).

  • Desglose de piezas y diseño de trincheras - Utiliza la topografía del piso existente para proporcionar la solución más rentable. Proporciona las listas de materiales necesarios.

  • Análisis de encharcamientos - Un análisis del riesgo que el efecto de las inundaciones pueda tener - determina el alcance de cualquier inundación local.

  • Resistencia Química - Asesoramiento sobre materiales y muestras de los materiales elegidos para que el cliente los pruebe.

También puede acceder a los formularios de diseño para nuestras trincheras de drenaje.